Turning two

25 07 2013

Dear Bear,

You’re two. No you’re not 6 or 5, you’re 2. Yes you’re 2. Doesn’t matter that you talk like a 5 year old, that you’re already toilet trained and that you can count. You are still just 2. Yelling at me that you’re 5 will not change that. As much you’re screaching hurts my hears, I”m not going to give into your tantrums. You’re smart enough to remember the way to daycare but you haven’t figured out that you get your stubborn determination from your mama. The one person you can’t bull doze will always be me. Sorry hun, I love you but you need to learn to comprise and share.

How did you grow up so fast? You went from baby to kid, instantaneously? There was no cute can’t communicate stage or waddling toddler stage. You refused to walk, until you could run right away, after your brother. You don’t like princesses because you’re a lion “ROAR” and a “DINOSAUR”, just like your brother. You chose the pink sunglasses but then found your brothers blue spiderman ones and that is it. You’re spiderman.

You’ve grown up so fast. You’re gaining so much confidence. The little baby girl, who couldn’t let go of me for 1 single instant, is kissing me bye bye and running away. More often I’m chasing you down and then pushing you away. I never ever thought I would miss the days when you couldn’t be without me. I am so very proud of you for finding your voice, at such a young age. For being willing to test your boundaries, to grow and experiment with what you can accomplish. I will always be here to catch you when you fall. To pick you up. I am here to lift you up as well.

I love you baby girl. Happy Birthday

love you always,





30 06 2013

I want to make an open letter to my sister because she’s pulling some Oscar worth fucking drama. I can’t really explain because it would really lift the thin veil of fucking anonymity that I have.  Lets just say its 1 fucking 1 god damn am. I am working on something that I don’t give a rats ass about, but is important to my brother and his wife. My sisters husband was supposed to do what I am working, but because him and my sister are FUCKING DRAMA, worthy of fucking god damn oscars. I’m doing it. I’m drunk, but i’m doing it. Oh and I have to have my ass up at 4 fucking 30 am for a family function. FUCK ME. FUCK YOU MY SISTER. the fuck the  god damn high road that I always take because I hate being selfish and because I hate fucking illogical drama more than I hate being up drunk and working at 1 am.


Calling all the car experts

4 02 2013

My Jetta TDI is going to die.  Its death is not immanent. I’m lucky, I have sometime to plan.  I figure I have about 2 years max, 1 year more likely before I’ll have to dish out a significant amount of cash to replace it.  Unfortunately, what I’m supposed to replace it with has me at loss. I think I’m being realistic is asking for a vehicle that seats 5 comfortably, has enough trunk space to pack up food and ski / kayak gear for a family, isn’t massive, super expensive or a gas guzzler and enable AWD / 4WD.  Ideally I would like optional 3rd row seating so that I can actually take monkey and his friends places.  Don’t bother suggesting a mini-Van, despite the fact that I’m willing to consider a station wagon, Mr.SM will. Not. Buy. A mini-Van.
